Pinkman Goo Experience
You never know what you’ll find in the most unexpected locations. This extraordinary cannabis plant started out as just a seed found in an Altoid box, hidden behind a stove! But it has since become one of the rarest strains in history – boasting not only its unique glistening trichome coating, but oozing with thick resin droplets. Take cannabis cultivation to the next level with Pinkman Goo – an indica strain that produces resin similar to the sticky sap found on pine trees. An incredibly rare find, the stabilization of this strain is an incredible breakthrough in cannabis growth and cultivation. Pinkman Goo is a cannabis strain unlike any other. Its resin is reminiscent of that found in maple syrup, boasting a sweeter taste and aroma than other cannabis oils. It’s rumored that the sap contains sugar crystals that give off a scent like roses, leaving the strain coated in delicate dew droplets. Not only does Pinkman Goo have an impressive stickiness, but its looks are something to behold. It’s leaves feature shades of purple and the buds are dense and deep in color – a truly special sight! With an impressive 18% THC, Pinkman Goo doesn’t disappoint when it comes to potency. Just one hit of this bud brings on a tranquil experience that’s hard to replicate. Relaxation is accompanied by earthy, floral aromas and creates a feeling of peaceful contentment that lingers long after the effects have worn off. Finding products made from Pinkman Goo may be difficult, but lucky cannabis enthusiasts can still find ways to indulge in it. Options available range from;- Those looking for a powerful hit of Pinkman Goo might be interested in checking out the range of concentrates available from select retailers. These include shatter, wax and other concentrate options, all made from the potent Pinkman Goo strain.
Traits of Pinkman Goo and Pinkman Goo seeds
Laboratory tests have revealed that the pinky resin from Pinkman Goo contains up to 4% more THC than resin found in regular flowers. Chances are, this is due to its genetic predisposition for producing sap which oozes out from between the leaves, the calyx and other areas at night, when photosynthesis takes place. Still, environmental factors can influence whether or not this process occurs. Developed by expert grower Twompson Prater of CaliCropDoc, Pinkman Goo is a testament to the cultivation skills that have been passed down through Prater’s family. With his father and grandfather both having “purple thumbs” and fifteen years experience cultivating medical cannabis, it is no wonder that the craftsmanship behind Pinkman Goo stands out so much. Through CaliCropDoc, Twompson Prater wants you to know that it is possible to increase resin production and create a sappy goo from your cannabis plants. Prater provides free education on cannabis cultivation through his website which encompasses side by side testing, detailed grow journals, and product reviews. He founded CaliCropDoc in order to help growers find reliable information that leads to successful yields without having to worry about any misinformation.Medical Benefits of Pinkman Goo
Pinkman Goo is a strain that captivates many with its remarkable attributes, yet its rarity makes it difficult to determine its therapeutic value. Nevertheless, anecdotal evidence claims that medical cannabis users benefit from this strain for:- Reports indicate that Pinkman Goo can provide relief for mild to moderate aches and pains caused by inflammation or muscular cramps.
- Pinkman Goo has been known to help those with difficulty in falling asleep, as well as other ailments related to insomnia.
- Pinkman Goo is said to be effective in reducing loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.