Pinkman Goo Marijuana Strain

Pinkman Goo Marijuana Strain

Pinkman Goo is a revolutionary cannabis strain that produces a sticky, syrupy resin. The story behind its name is as interesting as its effects – it’s said to have been discovered by an ’80s-era rapper who named it after his group. As the legend goes, he was so impressed with this strain that he declared it Pinkman Goo – and the name stuck!

Have you ever seen cannabis that oozes sap like a pine tree? Californian grower CaliCropDoc has created an indica strain unlike any other. Pinkman Goo, with its unique syrup-like resin seeping out from calyxes, is just like sticky pine sap. Discover why this one-of-a-kind strain is so gooey!

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